What are dendritic cells and how are they useful?
Dendritic cells are blood cells present in everyone’s bloodstream, functioning as an immune cell but are present in small numbers. They identify cancer cells, processing it into bits and jumpstart the immune response by introducing its foreign substance to the rest of the immune system which in turn circulates throughout the body and destroys cancer cells in the process.
What kind of cancers can be treated by Denvax™?
This includes solid tumors mainly, including cancers of the breast, bone, brain, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, head and neck, pancreatic, gallbladder, liver, renal, lung, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and testicular.
Who will benefit most from the therapy?
Dendritic cells works best in patients:
• Who opt early during disease progression;
• Who opt immediately after surgery, when tumor load is minimal
At what cancer stage should a patient consider Dendritic Cell therapy?
A patient may consider DC therapy when:
• the patient is free of disease but at risk of recurrence
• palliation is required
• patient requires immune-therapy in addition to ongoing chemo/radiation therapy
How is Denvax™ prepared?
Mononuclear (CD14+) cells are extracted from the patient’s peripheral blood. These cells are cultured, exposed to maturation stimuli and then re-infused into the same patient on the 8th day of blood collection.
How are Dendritic cells made to recognize the patient’s tumor cells?
Dendritic cells should recognize the patient’s tumor cells and target them once inside the body. But before that, they must undergo “maturation”. For this, the dendritic cells are exposed to tumor antigen-self or non-self.
What are the side effects of Denvax™?
There are minimal side effects. Some patients may experience mild to moderate grade fever after vaccine administration lasting 24 – 28 hours. Some may experience lethargy/weakness for a few days.
What are the contraindications to Denvax™?
There are no contraindications to this therapy. |